Best of Zagreb: Dolac PLACe food Market

Best of Zagreb: Dolac PLACe food Market



Dolac Market

A farmers market is a staple of every great city, a location where people gather every day to shop for fresh produce while socializing and learning about the latest gossip in town. Dolac Market is just that for the city of Zagreb. The iconic farmers market has existed since the 1930s and has been the major place of trade in the city since then. The market is located just a short walk from Ban Jelačić square, the main city square.

This puts Dolac at the heart of the city and the location is packed with people almost every single day. With its quaint stalls and sheltered markets it is a place of trade for thousands of Zagreb citizens. It started as local farmers from nearby villages selling their fresh fruits and vegetables but over the years has grown into a market that covers all types of produce, from meats to fish, flowers and regionally based cheeses and creams. Such a location is perfect for events, especially connected to food.

Night Markets

Night markets exist all over the world, in many different countries and cultures. They are usually held in outdoor settings with countless stalls or booths where people can sell their products, be it foods, clothes and crafts. Night markets have a special atmosphere that many adore. They are the perfect place to try out new foods and truly get to know a different culture and interact with that specific community. 

Photo by Project PLACe

Enter Project PLACe

Project PLACe has one goal in mind and that is to show off the wonderfully diverse cuisine of Croatia as a country. What better way to do exactly that than to turn a regular market into a festival of food once a week. With this project, Dolac Market is turned once a week into a night market where thousands of people come to try out the best local recipes. Some of the best chefs in the country participate in these night markets and truly get a chance to flex their culinary skills. The PLACe night market presents a perfect combination of regional cuisine, fun social activities and a cultural overview of a country. It is a gateway into Croatian customs and some of its longest standing traditions. The PLACe night market also combines the traditional and the foreign, presenting regional cuisine from Croatia and brand new recipes from all over the world.  

Photo by Project PLACe

This culinary mix of Croatian and foreign usually takes place every Friday, from April all the way to November. Last year the night market event attracted thousands of visitors every week. From true food lovers, to people who just wanted to socialize and have a good time. The event offered foods ranging from all sorts of pasta dishes, traditional risotto recipes, stuffed peppers and countless more diverse meals that truly show off Croatia as a one of a kind culinary destination.

If this story made you hungry, we do apologize but there is a solution for that. If you wish to personally try some of Croatia's wildly diverse cuisine, we have just the thing for you.

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