Best of Zadar: The Sea Organ

Best of Zadar: The Sea Organ



Zadar’s Crown Jewel:

Zadar is a city of stunning architecture. Influences from the Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval periods all add to a colorful and varied history of this beautiful coastal city. Still there are some that stand out. When people think of Zadar they often think of two locations, it is either the largest Pre-Romanesque structure in Croatia, The Church of St. Donatus or their mind goes to the magical Sea Organ. The Sea Organ is truly an architectural marvel, not just for its visual appeal but because it basically acts as a musical instrument of the sea. Its wondrous sounds echo through the entire seafront of Zadar. A structure that creates the sound of music with the help of the sea waves is something truly singular.

Every citizen of Zadar or visitors around the world marvel at the sounds the Sea Organ produces. It has been that way since 2005, when the Sea Organ was officially finished. The project was the work of the highly awarded architect Nikola Bašić. He constructed the uniquely singular Sea Organ as an effort to improve the city's seafront.

Redesigning the city's seafront: 

The city of Zadar suffered a lot of damages through the wars that impacted the region. Specifically, the Second World War left the city ravaged. From that moment efforts were made to reconstruct the destroyed seafront of the city. Sadly the process was lengthy and when it was finally finished, the seafront was very bland and one note. It was just concrete without much flair or recognizable structures. This left the city missing that special something it deserved. 

Enter Nikola Bašić, an architect with a vision. In the early 2000s, the city of Zadar was determined to create a new seafront, called Nova Riva or the New Coast. Nikola Bašić joined the project in 2002 and this is where his three year journey on the project began. 

Right from the start of the project, designer Nikola Bašić knew he wanted to introduce the sea organ structure into the new seafront. It was always supposed to be an integral part of the new coastal wall. This precise and strategic planning was crucial in creating the Sea Organ. In the spring of  2005, the Sea Organ was unveiled to the public and it was an instant hit with everyone. The waves that interact with the organ created harmonic sounds that enchanted anyone who witnessed it. The success of the project also resulted in it receiving the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2006. 

How it works: 

A lot of people wonder how the whole structure functions and how it produces such interesting musical melodies. Well it all comes down to the architecture and the materials used in building the Sea Organ. For starters, tubes were placed underneath a set of large marble steps. The white marble steps lead the water down the tubes. 

There is also a resonating cavity right alongside the tubes. This is what creates the magical sounds of the Sea Organ. The structure produces melodies at all times, as long as there are waves. The songs differ depending on the intensity of the wind and the waves so the experience is always different. Reading about the Sea Organ just isn't enough in our opinions. It is important to experience it for yourself. The sea breeze, the beautiful view and the literal sounds of the ocean, it's not something easily forgotten. Our recommendation is to visit Zadar and the Sea Organ yourself. You don't want to miss it. 

Title photo courtesy of and Luka Esenko

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